The Business Model Innovation Grid

“This grid aims to inspire businesses to reconceive how they operate and to become more future proof. To grab the opportunities of a sustainable future, innovations need to introduce environmental and social considerations at the core of the business model. Ordered around 8 ‘archetypes’ of business models, we present a multitude of approaches and 100 real-life business cases.

The resource revolution is on its way. Commodity prices soar, new middle classes emerge, technology leaps ahead and consumers raise their voices. The untransparent and linear model of take, make, dispose has reached its limits. New economic approaches and opportunities see the daylight.” from The Business Model Innovation Grid website.

This grid presents 8 strategies for businesses to circular economy principles, under three categories: technological, social and organisational. If you click on intersections on the grid, screens will pop-up presenting the cases at those intersections.

Creator: Nancy Bocken, Samuel Short, Padmakshi Rana & Steve Evans, University of Cambridge; adapted by Circular Flanders Year: 2014

External link: 

  1. The Business Model Innovation Grid

Reference # 03.01.15

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