The Great Recovery: Investigating the role of design in the circular economy

“The Great Recovery is a two-year project run by the Action and Research Centre at the RSA and supported by the Technology Strategy Board. Its aim is to build a cross-disciplinary design community to drive forward a new resource efficient economy. It will do this by raising the awareness of issues around increased resource scarcity, building up understanding in the principles of closed-loop design, and fostering ideas and exploring new opportunities through collaborative partnerships in the wider supply chain network. Since its launch in September 2012, The Great
Recovery project has delivered a programme of hands-on workshops, brokering events and presentations, debates and roundtable discussions. These have supported the competition ‘New designs for a circular economy’, led by the Technology Strategy Board. Their initial investment of £1.25m looked into new design and business collaborations which re-think products, components, and systems that ‘close the loop’. This report reviews the first six months of the programme and makes a number of observations and proposes recommendations.” from The Great Recovery: Investigating the role of design in the circular economy

Creator: Royal Society of Arts (RSA) Date: 2013

External Link:

  1. The Great Recovery: Investigating the role of design in the circular economy [pdf]

Reference # 02.05.08


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