Welcome to the Circular Design OER Database!
Around the world, many practitioners, researchers, and educators have developed countless tools and methods for Design for Sustainability and Circular Economy and shared them online for everyone to use. However, the sheer number of these resources can be overwhelming for many, as finding the resource you need is a time-consuming task, especially if you are a First-timer when it comes to Circular Economy and Sustainability. This database is an early attempt to collate as many of those as possible and present them in several, easy-to-navigate categories.
If you are a researcher, educator or practitioner, who wants to share the tools and techniques you developed, you can Upload Your OER here to be included in the database.
Apart from the categorization below, you will see levels on the sidebar. These levels do not, in any way, indicate the quality of the OERs, however they represent the complexity of them.
In addition, you can Create a Profile and save your favourite OERs on your profile
The content hosted on this database is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless otherwise stated in their sources.